For my first official post on my new blog I wanted to do something centering around music but I *have* to get something off my chest.
I receive emails and messages through social media from listeners thanking me for my perspective and how they admire that I can stay so positive while having such a blunt way of putting things. Now don't get me wrong- who wouldn't love hearing that?! But I'm a firm believer people need to realize they have their own magic inside of them and should be reminded how amazing they are. And one way to do that is to celebrate life and not just your achievements.
Stop getting so wrapped up in the world around you and losing sight of the big picture. Be your own inspiration. You should not be in competition with anyone else but yourself. There will always be someone skinnier, prettier, richer, and blah blah blah. But at the end of the day- they aren't you. And no one can take that from you!
So how do you be your own inspiration? It's quite simple actually. Take time for yourself. Find out what it is that you really want and take the steps to make it happen. If your dreams don't scare the ever living hell out of you, then they aren't big enough. Get out of your god damn comfort zone and do something that makes your heart race- it's a reminder of how great it is to do something thrilling. Quit being so damn hard on yourself and allow yourself to make mistakes it's how you learn and grow as a person. Believe in yourself, purge the negative people from your life and go for it. But above all keep in mind that change takes a while to grow into a habit so don't give up when things don't happen for you in the time you think it should. Things have a way of working themselves out when the time is right, just have a little faith and patience.
Oh, and by the way, when you inspire yourself you never know who you are inspiring next to you. So live your dreams, kick ass and take names. You'll be glad you did when you look back a year from now and how vastly different life is for you!
So I'm do you inspire yourself?
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